Our laboratory research projects are divided in three main domains. First, multi-steps synthesis of enzymatic and non-enzymatic PUFA metabolites. Then, the synthesis and biological interest of lipid derivatives (lipids branched on polyphenols, oxadiazolones or peptides, FAHFA ...). Finally, an analytic side with a focus on the quantification of non-enzymatic PUFA metabolites via a targeted-lipidomic approach.
Researchers are not devoted to only one research projects and are involved in the three main research areas of the team.
In this team project, we focused our efforts to the total synthesis of PUFA metabolites that are formed through enzymatic or non-enzymatic ways.
I this team, we focused our efforts on the synthesis of fatty acid branched derivatives: lipophenols, FAHFA, lipopeptides ...
In this team, we focus our efforts on the quantification of non-enzymatic metabolites of PUFA. These compounds are quantified using targeted-lipidomic approach on a microLC-MS/MS.
For more information on our publications, please download the PDF file below.
This file is updated every 6 months.
Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron, IBMM, Université de Montpellier, CNRS, ENSCM
Faculté de Pharmacie
15 Av. Ch. Flahault
BP 14491
F-34093 Montpellier Cedex 05